Romany Sailing Photos
Our Romany sailing fast to windward (8 knots) with one reef during our first Bahamas cruise. See our articles starting HERE or in the Useful Articles section to the left
Spectacular Bahamian anchorage, note the bridgedeck clearance and the scarcely visible nacelle. Despite being a liveaboard cruiser Romany is still floating above its marks
using a barber hauler on the genoa sheet to reduce sail twist. See how safe and easy it is to go forward, no climbing over a cabin roof, no need to go near the edge of the boat
Our beautiful Dave Calvert mainsail helped us get the most from Romany
Launch day! (with borrowed sails)
A round bilge Romany in a UK creek
These next few photos are of an Indian Romany, cruising off SW India. See the pdf logbook HERE
Greeting the sun... The catwalk also makes it easy and comfortable to anchor